Configuration File

PyDitz provides a few user configuration options, by the use of a INI-style configuration file called ditz.cfg in a .ditz subdirectory of your home directory. You can also specify per-project configuration settings, which override those in ditz.cfg, in a file called project.cfg in the project’s issue directory.

New in version 0.9: Per-project config files.

Here’s the default settings:

### Default PyDitz configuration file.


## User interface settings.

# Your default user name.  If not set, it's taken from the DITZUSER, USER
# or USERNAME environment variables, in that order.
name = 

# Your default email address.  If not set, it's taken from the DITZEMAIL or
# EMAIL environment variables, in that order.  If still not set, it's
# formed by concatenating your user name and host name.
email = 

# Your default host name.  Only used for forming a default email address.
# If not set, it's taken from the DITZHOST, HOSTNAME or COMPUTERNAME
# environment variables, in that order.
hostname = 

# Text editor to use when editing issues directly.  If not set, it's taken
# from the DITZEDITOR, EDITOR or VISUAL environment variables, in that
# order.  If still not set, a default based on the OS type is used, if
# there are any suitable.  (Note: notepad and wordpad are not suitable.)
editor = 

# How to truncate or wrap long lines.  Only has an effect if a maximum
# number of columns is detected.  If set to a string, that's the line
# truncation string (example: ...).  If not set, lines are wrapped
# instead.
linetrunc = 


## Command alias settings.

# Each entry here sets up a command alias.  For example, 'sl = shortlog'.
# Only one level of aliasing is supported.


## Configuration settings.

# List of issue directories to search for, in order.  If one of these
# contains a "project.yaml" file, it's recognized as the issue database.
issuedirs = .ditz-issues issues bugs

# Whether to create a ".ditz-config" when setting up, finding or
# reconfiguring an issue database.  For compatibility with original Ditz.
# If it exists, the settings in a .ditz-config file will override the user
# and email settings in this file.
create_ditz_config = yes


## Command defaults.  These are declared by individual commands.


## Export settings.  These are declared by individual exporters.


## Highlighting settings.

# Whether to do highlighting.  Requires Pygments (and colorama on Windows).
enable = yes

# Pygments highlighting style (no effect on Windows).
style = default


## Settings controlling VCS (version control system) support.

# Whether to enable VCS support.
enable = yes

# Supported VCSes.  They're tried in the order listed here.
systems = hg git bzr svn

# Each listed VCS entry must have its own section, with the following
# entries defined:
# repo
#     Directory used to manage the VCS (must be found in the same directory
#     as the issue directory).  This must exist for the VCS to be detected.
# cmd
#     Base VCS command.  Should include a flag to keep silent.
# add
#     If defined, the VCS command to add a file.  Defaults to 'add'.
# remove
#     If defined, the VCS command to remove a file.  Defaults to 'remove'.

repo = .hg
cmd = hg -q

repo = .git
cmd = git -q

repo = .bzr
cmd = bzr
add = add -q
remove = remove -q

repo = .svn
cmd = svn -q