Assigning Issues to Releases

At various stages during a project’s development, it will be released into the wild for users to pick apart and find fault with. Each release is made up of a set of issues which go into making it.

In order to assign issues to a release, we first need to create the release in the issue database. The add-release command does that:

Ditz: add-release
Name: 1.0
Adding release 1.0
Comments (ctrl-c to abort, . to finish)
> First release.  It's gonna be AWESOME.
> .
Added release 1.0

Now we can assign issues to it, using the assign command:

Ditz: assign prog-1
Issue prog-1 not currently assigned to any release
Assigning to release 1.0
Comments (ctrl-c to abort, . to finish)
> .
Assigned prog-1 to 1.0

Note that, since there’s only one release at present, we’re not prompted for which one to assign the issue to.

There’s also an unassign command, which reverts the issue back to its initial ‘unassigned’ state. We won’t be using it in the examples.

Now let’s look at the TODO list again:

Ditz: todo
1.0 (unreleased):
_ prog-1: Implement a hello-world program (feature)

_ prog-2: Prototype prints the Wrong Thing (bug)
_  doc-1: Write some documentation

We have a release 1.0, with one issue assigned to it, and two unassigned issues. The release is currently unreleased, and we’ll see how to change that in Making a Release.